Too often, people use Feng Shui to bring romance and happiness into their lives only by enhancing the Chi in their home’s Romance/Marriage area. Use Feng Shui with more wisdom to create more happiness for yourself now; instead of waiting for someone special to come into your life, bringing romance and joy with them.
“Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past
was that I believed love was about finding the right person.
In reality, love is about becoming the right person.
Don’t look for the person you want to spend your life with.
Become the person you want to spend your life with.”
– Neil Strauss www.livelifehappy.com
Happiness isn’t only found “out there” in some magical someone; happiness is in yourself, your outlook, and the life you live. Become that person who glows with happiness.
The Glow of Happiness
Think of the people in your life who glow with happiness. That glow works as a people magnet, drawing others to them. Every time a friend I worked with arrived at the office, every one, one by one, would pop their heads above the cubicle walls and smile at her. At that moment, the office looked like a prairie dog colony. And people stopped by her cubicle too. Despite her life challenges, she had that infectious glow of happiness.
How to Cultivate Your Happiness
A recent article in the New York Times, How To Be Happy, points to several studies about personal happiness and draws insights from them. Number 1 on the list was getting in the habit of Conquering Your Negative Thoughts.
Conquering Negative Thoughts
Everyone has negative thoughts, but if they dominate your thinking, they will bring you down. Focus on the positive things in your life and the more positive and happy things in your future. When you’re aware of having a negative thought, stop and think of something positive. Don’t criticize yourself for negative thoughts, be kind to yourself as you would be to a friend. And just like a friend would help you to have a better perspective on your situation. Conquering negative thoughts is not a “done and dusted” task but the development of a life-long skill.
“Only connect!” – E M Forster
Spend Time with Happy People
COVID took a hit on our social lives. Now is the time to reconnect with old friends and reach out to new ones. In. Person. Each additional happy friend in your life will increase your happiness by 9%. It’s OK to keep a distance from the grouches and complainers.
People who get married experience a slight boost in their happiness, but this lasts about two years. “…[I]f you are an already happy person, you will not gain much extra happiness from marriage.” – Tara Parker-Pope, How To Be Happy
Chances are, while you are busy glowing with happiness,
your glow might attract someone who wants to share their joy with you.
How to Use Feng Shui to Help You Glow
People reflexively energize the Romance/Marriage area of the Ba-Gua when they want to bring or boost romance in their life. The Romance/Marriage area is effective, but activating the Helpful People/Travel and Wisdom/Inner Life areas of the Bagua first might be more effective for your happiness now instead of waiting for someone to bring happiness to you.
Below is a diagram of the Ba-Gua with foundational Guas noted. Place meaningful cures in each area you want to bring positive energy into your life. When your happiness grows, you can enhance the Romance/Marriage Gua to better effect.

For blog posts on how to Feng Shui your bedroom the traditional way and a sweet Valentine’s video, check out these links:
Click here to read the New York Times article “How To Be Happy” by Tara Parker-Pope.