In Chinese folk religions, one of the roots of Feng Shui, the most important domestic god is the Kitchen God, Zao Jun. It is believed at special times of the year he goes to heaven and reports to the Jade Emperor (chief deity) on the activities of the family. Based on what Zao Jun says the Jade Emperor gives the family rewards or punishments for the coming year. Traditionally a plaque of the Kitchen God and his wife would be above the stove. To ensure good luck, offerings of food and incense are made to them.

Some of my Feng Shui clients ask me to help them find a place for a personal altar as part of their spiritual practice. These altars are usually in the bedroom to support private meditation. Create a special place for spiritual centering where you can see it more often during your busy day. Borrow the Chinese tradition of a kitchen altar or spiritual reminder.
Your altar could be:
- An image or figure of a divinity or special teacher
- A written prayer or blessing
- A plant or flower
You could place your devotional object:
- By the sink to have something pleasant to meditate on while doing the dishes
- By the stove to remind yourself of your gratitude for having food to cook
- By the window to remind yourself of the blessings of Nature
Do you have a kitchen altar or something similar? Share your ideas and experience in a comment, below.
Read more about creating an altar in your home.
photo by Nieve44/Luz