I read an article in Oprah magazine by Martha Beck on how to create a vision board. She wrote about her new awareness of what makes a vision board work. This got me thinking about intentions and how to take them to a deeper and more powerful level.
Rather than a vision board with photos of thousand dollar bills, a hot sweetie and sunsets on the beach, find images that speak to and reflect your deepest self. Use your imagination and intuition. You may be drawn to something that doesn’t make sense in the present, but will reveal itself in the future. Martha Beck writes, “The board itself doesn’t impact reality; what changes your life is the process of creating the images-combinations of objects and events that will stick in your subconscious mind and steer your choices toward making the vision real.”

I encourage you to choose images that reflect the feelings and experiences you want to have – the settings and specific people may be different than you imagine today.
Whether creating a vision board or doing an intention to go with your Feng Shui cures there are three things to keep in mind:
- Look for unfamiliar images that speak powerfully to your inner self. Why images? Because they impact your subconscious without your analytical conscious mind getting in the way. The best images will give you a visceral response – you will feel it in your heart, chest, or belly, or they will take your breath away. I love photos, paintings and sketches of flowers. I don’t know why they take my breath away. I don’t have a garden or even a green thumb. Someday I will learn what this attraction means and I’ll let you know.
- Let Go of the Outcome. Once you have created your vision board or done your intention – let it go. Give it up to God/the Universe/the Laws of Physics. Chasing something or grasping after it will repel what you seek to draw into your life. Rick Segel, fellow-member of NSA and nationally respected expert on retail marketing, wrote about how he, a skeptic, was convinced. He cut out a picture of his dream car. Then he forgot about it until a couple of years later when he found the photo behind his desk a week after he ordered the exact same automobile! Now Rick did not wait for his dream car to passively appear in his life, he works hard at what he does and loves. Which leads us to…
- Work and Openness to Opportunity Rather than sitting back and waiting to receive, its time to work. Start working to create the life/the world you want, while being open to unexpected opportunities and help.
This is a delicately balanced process:
- Focus on the essence of what you want and being open to leadings in the form of unfamiliar images and symbols
- Let it go and trust that what you need will come in the right way at the right time.
- Work to make it happen and bring opportunities and help into your life.
If you want to read Martha Beck’s full article click here.
photo by Julie Jordan Scott