When I am working with a client on their master bedroom sometimes I have to give feedback that the room décor is “too girly” or “too Yin” and doesn’t reflect anything of the husband’s energy, personality and taste. My clients’ responses: “Of course, why didn’t I think of that!” Read on to learn how to simply balance energies for a Feng Shui Master Bedroom.
Master bedrooms are frequently an expression of the woman of the house. Many men defer to their wives when it comes to decorating their homes. Women unconsciously have a more “feminine” taste so the master bedroom becomes out of balance: too Yin and not enough Yang.
It is important for the Feng Shui master bedroom to express both Yin and Yang and the tastes and personalities of both partners so it can be both psychologically and energetically restorative.
Note: no person or thing is all Yin or all Yang. Everything contains a bit of both. By having both Yin and Yang, Feminine and Masculine, in your bedroom, you are balancing and restoring yourself.
For one couple this observation sparked a conversation. The husband asked that a silk flower garland above the headboard be removed (which the wife readily agreed to) and asked that a painting (one they both loved) be added to the wall opposite the bed. They were both happier with their “new” bedroom.
If you are seeking a mate
then include some items in the room that have the feeling of the gender you want to attract. A too “feminine” bedroom will be unconsciously uncomfortable for a man. NOT what you want for either of you. You can add a “masculine” touch such as lamps that have clean modern lines rather than an ornate base. If you want to attract a woman, then a feminine touch such as a simple vase of flowers can be the perfect touch.
If you are seeking more romance in your current relationship
don’t add red flocked wall-paper (a la 19th century bordello) to the room. A subtler and more sophisticated way to make a room more sensual is with fabrics: silky, satiny or velvety sheets, pillows (not too many) or bed covers. A simple sensual Feng Shui master bedroom cure is to use fabrics you want to reach out and touch.
Click on the links below for more ideas on how to make the most of your master bedroom:
Click here to see 6 ways to make your bedroom a sensual retreat
Click here to view a sweet Valentine video
Click here to contact Linda for your own Feng Shui Master Bedroom
or call her at 781-643-8697 to help you create a romantic bedroom.