“In Buddhist texts, consciousness is said to be a field, a plot of land in which every kind of seed has been planted – seeds of suffering, happiness, joy, sorrow, fear, anger, and hope. The quality of our life depends on which of these seeds we water. The practice of mindfulness is to recognize each seed as it sprouts and to water the most wholesome seeds whenever possible.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

I came across this quote recently. It has stuck in my mind so much that I just have to write about it this month. You don’t have to be a Buddhist to know that focusing on happiness, joy and hope is better than focusing on sorrow, fear and anger. But as Americans we add our own twist on this positive outlook. We want bigger, better and faster or we won’t be happy. And if we work really hard, we will have this kind of happiness – in the future. What happens is many of us overlook the blessings of the present moment while we are straining to see into the future.
As a Feng Shui consultant, I encourage my clients to have images and symbols of what they are striving for in the appropriate area of the Ba-Gua. This is best balanced with connections to the present.
- I encourage you to have reminders of what you are grateful for in the present around you.
- Are you grateful for family and friends? Have photos of them nearby. (I suggest that you have current photos as well as older ones.)
- Are you grateful for good health? Place a plant where you can enjoy one of the miracles of life.
- Are you blessed with your faith or a spiritual teacher? Have a photo, statue or written blessing where you can see it.
One of my teachers, Denise Linn, suggests the best place for these mementos is on your bedside table or near your bed. Place them so they are the first thing you see in the morning – to create a positive and mindful mindset for the day – and see the last thing at night – to set the stage for sweet dreams.
I have photos of my family near my bed. Recently I added a picture of my late mother taken on a hot air balloon ride we did on her 80th birthday. Her joy in that moment radiates from the picture.
What kinds of reminders of your blessings do you have around you? Let me know and I will share them with my readers next month.